It's all started from Sumbiling

Therefore the showing of a variety from a humble sumbilingman blog.

Berbagai variasi posting dari kampong Sumbiling, Papar.

It has been quite some time now

Bit by bit, a step of a time. A collection of interesting items for you, since 2010.

Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit

Menyajikan perkara-perkara menarik untuk anda, sejak 2010.

Internet adalah sumber pengetahuan

Berbagai-bagai ilmu tersedia untuk manafaat manusia sejagat. Teruskan bersama-sama sumbilingman pada bila-bila masa, terima kasih.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Persempadanan semula: Apa lagi helah SPR?

Persempadanan semula: Apa lagi helah SPR?

 Persempadanan semula: Apa lagi helah SPR?

sumber : malaysian cronicle

Are e-cigarettes a boon, a menace or both?

Are e-cigarettes truly safe?

Rapidly growing numbers of consumers are turning to electronic cigarettes to satisfy their nicotine addiction without inhaling the carcinogens and toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Buyers need to beware. Unlike nicotine gum and skin patches, electronic cigarettes have not been evaluated for safety or effectiveness.

Global sales of electronic cigarettes, although small compared with overall tobacco sales, have been rising quickly in both Europe and the United States. Several major tobacco companies have announced plans to introduce new or revamped e-cigarettes. And regulators for the European Union and Britain have released plans to regulate e-cigarettes more stringently, possibly starting in 2016.

Electronic cigarettes turn liquid nicotine into a vapor inhaled by the user. The liquid comes in dozens of flavors, mimicking everything from a standard cigarette to a piña colada or bubble gum. Smoking the devices is undeniably safer than inhaling tobacco smoke, a carcinogen, but there are some risks. Nicotine is extremely addictive, and very high doses can be dangerous. Toxic chemicals have been found in some devices, suggesting serious quality control problems at the factories.

Health officials also fear that flavored vapors coupled with advertising aimed at young people might induce them to start smoking and then move on to traditional cigarettes.

The Food and Drug Administration has two avenues for regulating e-cigarettes. If a manufacturer claims its device will help smokers quit smoking, the agency can demand proof that it is safe and effective for that purpose. However, if a manufacturer makes no such claim and leaves it to smokers to infer that the devices will help them kick the habit, courts have held that the F.D.A. must regulate under a different law that doesn’t require the same level of proof.

Even under that weaker standard, the agency has broad powers to protect public health. It could ban flavorings (like fruit or candy) that make products appeal to youngsters and even ban sales or marketing to buyers under 18. It could ensure that advertising is not deceptive and that factories follow good manufacturing practices.

The F.D.A. has been working since 2011 to draft new regulations to exert its authority over nontraditional tobacco products, potentially including electronic cigarettes. It needs to move as aggressively as possible to protect the public in this rapidly expanding market.

source from : malaysian chronicle

Kereta api tergelincir di Papar, Sabah

PAPAR: Kira-kira 80 penumpang sebuah kereta api yang dalam perjalanan dari Tanjung Aru ke Papar terpaksa meneruskan perjalanan mereka dengan bas selepas satu roda kereta api itu terkeluar daripada landasan dalam kejadian hari ini.

Pegawai Operasi Keretapi Sabah, Awang Zainudin Awang Matusin berkata, kejadian jam 8 pagi di kawasan Kampung Kawang di sini itu bagaimanapun, tidak menyebabkan sebarang kecederaan kepada penumpang.

"Kejadian itu berlaku akibat masalah pada landasan, bukan kerana tidak diselenggara cuma di bahagian ini memang ada sedikit masalah dan pemandu sentiasa dinasihatkan berhati-hati dan mengurangkan kelajuan ketika melalui kawasan ini," katanya ketika ditemui di lokasi kejadian.

Katanya, Jabatan Keretapi Sabah sedang berusaha menangani masalah itu.

Sementara itu, pemandu kereta api, Amir Amit berkata, kereta api berkenaan bertolak dari Stesen Tanjung Aru pada 7.45 pagi dan apabila tiba di kawasan tersebut beliau memperlahankan kelajuan.

"Bahagian kanan depan keretapi terasa goyang sedikit, seperti tersasar dari trek landasan. Saya terus berhentikan kereta api dan keluar untuk tengok. Saya nampak satu tayar terkeluar daripada landasan," katanya.

Difahamkan kereta api itu kemudian dialih daripada landasan dan perkhidmatan keretapi Sabah tidak terjejas.

Kejadian itu adalah yang kedua tahun ini selepas insiden pada 19 Jun lalu yang meragut nyawa seorang pelancong Hong Kong selepas sebuah kereta sewa dirempuh kereta api di Jalan Petagas berhampiran Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kota Kinabalu. - BERNAMA
Sumber daripada berita harian online : 13/07/2013

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